Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Can I have some salt with my mash?

Ok here is my mash-up, put together very hastily I should add. Its a photo of one of my favourite bands when they performed at Lancaster Library. Its a good way of getting people to come to the library, and certainly draws publicity. I'm not sure what the clients actually using the library might think though.

I don't see too much to get excited about with using mash-ups at the library. At first glance there's nothing new about it. Its basically the same ideas that have been used in computer publishing and design for years. It would be very interesting though to let the clients loose with the library's pictures collection (digitised of course) and see what they turn out.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

You are right - in some ways mashups aren't new, but they are very easy to do and to publish very widely and that is the new element. It would be interesting to see what mashups could be made of images from the collections.
