Monday, July 28, 2008


Aha, now here are some things that I'm excited about. Technorati is a lot of fun. This, for me, is a site where you can go never knowing what you might stumble across. Its the sort of site where you could spend days just wandering around and seeing whose opinion you can most disagree with (or agree with, whatever takes your fancy). Its good to have a spot to go to where you can just focus on perusing blogs.

LibraryThing as well is one that I really like. I have to admit, I'm the sort of person who tends to judge people by their book collections, and what better way to do this than by using LibraryThing! But seriously, this is a great site for finding new literature and material that you might find interesting (its also a lot better constructed than Delicious). None of the features are really new - its basically a combination between Amazon and any library catalogue you care to mention. But the great thing is getting to see which books are liked by people with similar taste. Quite frankly, this is a far better way of picking something to read than by making use of published book reviews. The State Library of Tasmania integrates LibraryThing with its catalogue, and I think it works really well.

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